Word of the Day: lucifugous (loo\see\FOO\guhs); avoiding light
Weight: 221 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 89 pounds
Waist Size: 49 inches
Rowing Duration: 66 minutes, 48 seconds
The very first day of Friday, yup, the end of the week for the beginning of the month is here, make it count, CARPE DIEM EVERYDAY!
I loved, well I still love Farrah Fawcett, yes I was part of "The Farrah Fuss," I bought her shampoo, I loved her conditioner, and wish it was still available to buy, do you hear that marketeers?, and of course, Jill Monroe, Farrah, by her real name, was my favourite out of all of Charlie's Angels. I also loved Kate Jackson who played Sabrina Duncan in Charlie's Angels. Kate was the smart angel,and I'm pretty sure that in life she is also a savvy cookie, but Kate never had her own shampoo, and Farrah was also not only married to Lee Majors and had a child by Ryan O'Neal, but I happen to think she was a great actress, did any of you see "The Burning Bed?" or "Somebody killed her husband", yes Farrah could act, and the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences owes the family of Farrah (don't you love that name?, its so Farrah,) an apology for omitting her name when they ran the piece on people in the motion picture industry who died that year, this was a big, big oversight, and what about Beatrice Arthur?, what did they have against her?, Bea too was omitted, and was quite an amazing actress, didn't you see her in Mame?, she should have been nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of Vera Charles, she was why dictionaries created the word fabulous!!!! (Dictionaries do not create words, if you're lucky, they will help you with the spelling and pronunciation of words.)
I need help people, I'm so tired of rowing and am finding it harder and harder to stay motivated, do you have any suggestions? I know when I get home to Toronto, things will get better, there is so much that I will be able to do that I can't do here, such as shopping and go to movies weekly,visit friends, etc., all of these activities will require my walking and that should help shed some calories, please, please God help me burn off some of this weight. If the walking doesn't burn off the weight, maybe my swimming on a daily basis will help, it certainly can't hurt me, will it? What are you doing to stay in shape?, are you into YOGA?, I don't quite get it, and I just don't think we were meant to bend and twist that way, it is definetly not my cup of Indian food.
I finally received in the mail the book "Freedom," by Jonathan Franzen and I started reading it right away. Have you got your copy?, Come on, lets read this book together, but if you want to stay au courant with me, you better read fast, I'm already on Chapter Two. Gosh, I wish I could write like this novelist, must be nice to have more than your share of talent; it really is remarkable how the novelist has woven this tale, and you need to pay careful attention, there is so much information offered in this beginning, and I'm quite sure that I will need to reread the beginning as I usually miss the key to the story, which definetly isn't a slice of Jack.
Cover of Freedom: A Novel
Yesterday was Truman Capote's birthday, gosh I miss him, he was such an amazing writer and personality. Born Truman Streckfus Persons in New Orleans, Louisiana, the son of 17-year-old Lillie Mae Faulk and salesman Archulus Persons. His parents divorced when he was four, gosh, so many people are divorcing, there soon will be more divorced couples than married couples, anyway, back to Truman, Truman was sent to Monroeville, Alabama, where, for the following four to five years, he was raised by his mother's relatives. (I was so lucky, in spite of having 12 siblings (brothers and sisters) my mother kept us together,)Truman formed a fast bond with his mother's distant relative, Nanny Rumbley Faulk, whom Truman called "Sook". "Her face is remarkable—not unlike Lincoln's, craggy like that, and tinted by sun and wind," (how is that for a flattering description, NOT, but we definetly get the picture,) is how Capote described Sook in "A Christmas Memory". In Monroeville, he was a neighbor and friend of author Harper Lee, who wrote the 1960 novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," with the character Dill being based on Capote. (I always thought Dill was a little light in the loafers.)
As a lonely child, Capote taught himself to read and write before he entered his first year of schooling, just like Zac, but that is all that they have in common. Capote was often seen at age five carrying his dictionary and notepad, just like me, and Truman began writing fiction at the age of eleven. He was given the nickname Bulldog around this age, possibly a phonetic reference and pun of "Bulldog Truman" to the fictional detective Bulldog Drummond popular in films of the mid-1930s.
On Saturdays, Truman made trips from Monroeville to the nearby city of Mobile on the Gulf Coast, I, Efrem, went downtown to go to the show, and at one point Truman submitted a short story, "Old Mrs. Busybody," to a children's writing contest sponsored by a newspaper, the Mobile Press Register. Capote received recognition for his early work from The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards in 1936.
In 1933, Truman Capote moved to New York City to live with his mother and her second husband, Joseph Capote, a Cuban-born textile broker, who adopted him as his stepson and renamed him Truman GarcĂa Capote. However, Joseph was convicted of embezzlement and shortly afterwards his income crashed and the family was forced to leave Park Avenue. I, Efrem visited New York City when I was just sixteen years old, not a big deal eh?, well I went there all by myself!!!!
Of his early days, Capote related, "I began writing really sort of seriously when I was about 11. I, Efrem started writing when I was ten years old, we had to make up stories from the words in our spelling list, and every week my classmates would yell for me to read my writing, they loved my writings, most of my stories were probably based on the latest movie that I had seen, regardless, my classmates cheered for me loudly and longily every week. Truman says seriously in the sense that like other kids go home and practice the violin or the piano or whatever, I used to go home from school every day and I would write for about three hours. I was obsessed by it." In 1935, he attended the Trinity School in New York City. He then attended St. Joseph Military Academy. In 1939, the Capote family moved to Greenwich, Connecticut, and Truman attended Greenwich High School, where he wrote for both the school's literary journal, The Green Witch, and the school newspaper. When they returned to New York City in 1942, Truman graduated from the Dwight School, an Upper West Side private school where an award is now given annually in his name.
When he was 17, Capote's formal education ended when he was employed at The New Yorker magazine, which he held for two years. Years later, he reminisced, "Not a very grand job, for all it really involved was sorting cartoons and clipping newspapers. Still, I was fortunate to have it, especially since I was determined never to set a studious foot inside a college classroom. I felt that either one was or wasn't a writer, and no combination of professors could influence the outcome. I still think I was correct, at least in my own case."Capote was 5 feet 3 inches (160 cm) tall and openly homosexual. One of his first serious lovers was Smith College literature professor Newton Arvin, who won the National Book Award for his Herman Melville biography in 1951. It was to Arvin that Capote dedicated Other Voices, Other Rooms.
Capote was well known for his distinctive, high-pitched voice and odd vocal mannerisms, his offbeat manner of dress and his fabrications. He often claimed to know intimately people he had in fact never met, such as Greta Garbo. He professed to have had numerous liaisons with men thought to be heterosexual, including, he claimed, Errol Flynn. He traveled in an eclectic array of social circles, hobnobbing with authors, critics, business tycoons, philanthropists, Hollywood and theatrical celebrities, royalty, and members of high society, both in the U.S. and abroad. Part of his public persona was a longstanding rivalry with writer Gore Vidal. Their rivalry prompted Tennessee Williams to complain: "You would think they were running neck-and-neck for some fabulous gold prize." Apart from his favorite authors (Willa Cather, Isak Dinesen, Marcel Proust), Capote had faint praise for other writers. However, one who did get his favorable endorsement was journalist Lacey Fosburgh, author of Closing Time: The True Story of the Goodbar Murder (1977). He also claimed an admiration for Andy Warhol's The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: From A to B & Back Again. I never liked Andy Warhol, but did respect his talent.
Well enough on Truman Capote, lets talk about me, but first I have to make the coffee. I still haven't spoken to Judy, we are now on our third day without speaking to each other, on a typical day we speak to each other at least twice a day, I'm determined to let Judy call me first, after all, she hung up the phone on me and I don't reward bad behaviour. However, I am missing Judy and want to know that she is getting by, I worry about her so much. I am going to wait just one more day and then I'll call her, but I wonder if Judy is still angry with me.
Fighting with family is so stupid but it happens, I'm trying not to be angry with Judy and I really don't think I am, but then, why don't I call her? I will, I'm just waiting a little bit more.
Rob, who represents Dell, came over to the cottage on the lake to check out the last laptop computer that I received. Instead of sending my last laptop back to Dell, I decided a tech person could come and fix it instead, I don't like doing this as it is supposed to be a new computer, why then did it need fixing?, exactly my thought. Anyway, Rob replaced the dvd drive with a new one and it is working just fine, but, I am skeptical and I will still buy an Apple the next time around, although I'm a little miffed with Apple.
On my last laptop, two laptops ago, I downloaded and paid for a lot of music. The downloaded music has since disappeared and I am unable to reach anyone at Apple to assist me in retrieving it; I don't have an Apple anything (product,) and in order to send an email, or talk with someone, you need to provide Apple with a serial number from a product, like I said, I don't have one, I just downloaded music from Itunes. Do any of you know how I can reach someone at Apple so that I can get my music reinstated on my new laptop? Please help me if you can. Thank you in advance.
Well, people enough about me and Truman, get busy with your life and have a great day and wonderful weekend, read my posts on the weekend and spend some time with your children, that's right, you heard/read me!!!!!
Topics coming soon: