Date: Sunday, March 20th, 2011
Word of the day: largess(lar\ZHES;lar\JES); Generous giving (as of gifts of money), often accompanied by condescion; generosity; liaberality
Weight: two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose: ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size: forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding: forty (40) yikes, thirty-nine (39) will be the next number
Rowing Duration: fifty (50) minutes, twenty-nine (29) seconds
Well, I encountered alot of difficulty on Cruella this morning, I developed a cramp in my leg which I was able to massage for a few minutes, the massage worked and I was able to go on with my exercise for a while longer, not my best workout but it certainly wasn't my worst workout either.
Happy Birthday to the memory of Wyatt Earp whose birthday it would have been today, sorry Wyatt, but I don't feel like singing, at the moment anyway.
The best I can say about today is that it is bright and sunny outside, the temperature needs to go the opposite way in order for things to warm up. However, my sister, Yvonne, does not care about the temperature as she is leaving to go on a Caribeean cruise this Friday, lucky her!
The grabber of today's "In The News" has been all over the media lately, it reads: Liver Kidney Donor Passes HIV to Organ Receipient. The blurb goes on to report that the first transmission of HIV from a lung organ donor to a recipient in the United States (U.S.) since screening was implemented in 1985 has prompted a review of the current procedures and policies needed to prevent such an occurence. In this case, the screening was properly conducted, however, the donor apparently contracted the virus in the days leading up to the surgery, after the testing had already been done. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending that donors be tested no more than seven (7) days before the organs are removed and transplanted.
Well, I am going to Church this morning so I am ending the post of today, yeah, I know, I'm working on it.
Topics coming soon:
Image by LZ Creations via Flickr
Gable and Lombard
Word of the day: largess(lar\ZHES;lar\JES); Generous giving (as of gifts of money), often accompanied by condescion; generosity; liaberality
Weight: two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose: ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size: forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding: forty (40) yikes, thirty-nine (39) will be the next number
Rowing Duration: fifty (50) minutes, twenty-nine (29) seconds
Well, I encountered alot of difficulty on Cruella this morning, I developed a cramp in my leg which I was able to massage for a few minutes, the massage worked and I was able to go on with my exercise for a while longer, not my best workout but it certainly wasn't my worst workout either.
Happy Birthday to the memory of Wyatt Earp whose birthday it would have been today, sorry Wyatt, but I don't feel like singing, at the moment anyway.
The best I can say about today is that it is bright and sunny outside, the temperature needs to go the opposite way in order for things to warm up. However, my sister, Yvonne, does not care about the temperature as she is leaving to go on a Caribeean cruise this Friday, lucky her!
The grabber of today's "In The News" has been all over the media lately, it reads: Liver Kidney Donor Passes HIV to Organ Receipient. The blurb goes on to report that the first transmission of HIV from a lung organ donor to a recipient in the United States (U.S.) since screening was implemented in 1985 has prompted a review of the current procedures and policies needed to prevent such an occurence. In this case, the screening was properly conducted, however, the donor apparently contracted the virus in the days leading up to the surgery, after the testing had already been done. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending that donors be tested no more than seven (7) days before the organs are removed and transplanted.
Well, I am going to Church this morning so I am ending the post of today, yeah, I know, I'm working on it.
Topics coming soon:
Gable and Lombard